Faith Formation: Adults

3 Ds Women’s Group

Topic:  Rotating Discussions

Coordinator:  Donna Peffer

When:  Monthly on 3rd Wednesday @ 1 pm

Participants will enjoy spiritual enlightenment, mutual encouragement and prayer through this monthly gathering also known for it’s devotions, discussions and desitinations.  Facilitation of discussions are rotated monthly with shared leadership.

Adult Sunday School Class

Topic:  Life of the Disciples

Facilitator:  Jim Block

When:  Weekly on Sunday @ 9:45 am

On the heels of class members having watched “The Chosen” last spring, participants in this class will now shift to take a closer look at and study the role of the disciples in the Gospels.

Adult Sunday School Class

Topic:  Book of 1 & 2 Corinthians

Facilitator:  Bill Parasida

When:  Weekly on Sunday @ 9:45 am

This study examines the correspondence from the apostle Paul to the early church in Corinth. Paul’s letters to this church provide guidance – for persons new to faith as well as those growing in faith – about what it means to be a disciple of Christ. This study examines some of the “big questions” the church faced, and that we still face today.

Soup & Bread Supper Study

Topic:  Small Catechsim

Facilitator:  Pastor Larry Kemp

When:  Weekly on Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm (starts 9/26/23)

Participants will gather for a simple prepared meal of soup and bread followed by a study of Luther’s small catechism.  Study will feed those hungry for Lutheran confessional witness.