Faith Formation: Children & Youth
Fall 2024 Sunday School season starts September 15th. To enroll your kid(s), please use the below Registration link. We’re glad to have you here!

Preschool thru Kindergarten
Elaine Ek, Sue Abbott and Ruth Kirk
This class engages children’s natural sense of curiosity to help them understand God’s love. This class will also give children the tools to explore their faith while incorporating it into their daily lives.

Grades 1 – 3
Karen Rasmusen & Dave Kreiling
Using an age-appropriate chronological lesson approach, children will experience God’s big story as it unfolds through history, using engaging Bible story presentations, fun games, crafts and discussion.

Grades 4 – 7
Monica Hurt, Wendy Mensch, Jeff Rasmussen
Using an age-appropriate chronological lesson approach, children will experience God’s big story as it unfolds through history, using engaging Bible story presentations, fun games, crafts and discussion.

Grades 8 – 10
Pastor Larry Kemp
Students in this class will continue our 2-year confirmation program with “God’s Story and Our Story” — a survey of the Bible following the promise of God to the People of God. And, they’ll also be studying Luther’s Small Catechism.